Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Hottest female actor ever..

Monday, September 17, 2007

The review of Blood Diamond by Michael Wilmington is one of the reviews that reflects my opinion on this movie. The critic gave this movie 3.5 out of 4, about the same I would have done. The review first gives the story of the movie in a nutshell.
"Diamond" takes place in civil war-torn Sierra Leone in the 1990s, its story centered on a fisherman (Hounsou as Solomon Vandy) whose life is uprooted and wife and children taken from him when his village is invaded by the murderous rebel forces of boisterous killer Captain Poison (David Harewood). He is captured by Poison's troops, among them some ice-cold boy warrior-killers whose ranks eventually include Solomon's son Dia (Kagiso Kuypers). Solomon, turned into a slave trolling for gems in the river, finds a rare and priceless huge pink diamond and buries it nearby, but not before being spotted by the amiably vicious Poison.Most of the rest of the film consists of a furious quest to locate that diamond, with Solomon aided by ex-Zimbabwean soldier of fortune and jewel trader Danny Archer (DiCaprio), who's doing it for money, and American journalist Maddy Bowen (Connelly), who's doing it out of idealism and the desire to break a great scandal-scoop exposing big diamond companies.
The movie was never dull. I was eating my dinner during the movie, and when the movie was over, i still had bunch of food left. Mike and I agree that DiCaprio does a great job throughout the movie as he did in Departed. The movie was entertaining, breathtaking, and a thriller. I agre with Mike in the quotation below of how the movie turned from good to great with the perfect actors. In the beginnig the critic says:
"Blood Diamond" is a visually sumptuous, bullet-train-paced thriller with a really provocative theme. Director Edward Zwick and company give it just the kind of explosive elements it needs to hook an audience: a sympathetic protagonist (Djimon Hounsou); a wisecracking hero (Leonardo DiCaprio); a tough, stunning heroine (Jennifer Connelly); fantastically menacing villains (David Harewood, Arnold Vosloo and others); scintillating locations; and action sequences of blood-rushing ferocity.
But the movie also gives you an idea of how that diamond ring that you have comes
to you and what it takes to get it ot you. I agree with Mike that this moive will make you think once more before buying a diamond. As Michael says:But they give it something else as well: a convincing portrayal of
the negative and dangerous aspects of the world diamond trade, in this case the
illicit dealing in "conflict diamonds" or "blood diamonds" -- jewels smuggled
out of war-torn nations with profits that further the bloodshed.Even though I have seen this movie already, if I hadn't seen it, after this review, I would have been pursuated enough to rent it right away. After all my informations, I hope you will definitely see this movie, as it is one of the best movies of the year.