One of the most important scene is when Doc Boone says, "well, they are saved from the blessings of the civilization." In this quote, I think Doc is trying to say that since Dallas, and Ringo are moving to their ranch, they won't have to deal with all the social discrimination. Due to the fact that Dallas is a prostitute, and Ringo an outlaw. For example, if you were a slave in the States during 1800s, you would rather chose to live in a hut in middle of the forest back in Africa.
Doc is also tring to say that civilization isn't always the best place to live at, because of all the people discrimination the different and lower people. One important theme is civilization vs wilderness, and in the end, wilderness won. This movie execed by expectations.
In real life, I also agree that sometimes living in a civilized place is bad, since there are many problems in the world. Sometimes wilderness wins in the end, just like the ones who survive out there without luxuries.
I think civiliaztion won beacause the Plummers and the Indians were defeated.
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