Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Do da rite thang!!
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Battle of Algiers

First of all, this movie was not as good as i thought it would be. I think i had a little too big expectation. Just the name of the movie was really attracing and I thought i would see alot of violence and swearing. But it was not. it was just Frech people acting tough and weird Algerian women screaming all the time. anyways, I lestend to the NPR movie review and learned some intersiting stuffs. I agree how it is relistic and made me think about this nation. uSA has been known for going to other countries and doing waht the French did in this movie. For esample in Vietnam and currently in Iraq. Even though torture is crule and ungodly, I thinkg it is very important in getting infos, especially from terrorists who don't care about anything but their religion. I thought it was an unknown movie, but found out that it was studied by political people. And I certainly cant believe that this movie was nominated for three acedamy awards. I mean WoW!! But I do agree taht this movie makes it look real and feel the intensity of it. But I don't agree how French can be victims of anything when they are the ones taking over someones eles's country. the writer missed how some French were innocent people and they got killed at msasvie amounts. But in the end, this movie just didn't do it for me.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Evil wins
Monday, November 19, 2007
Va Va Voom!!!

This is a very strange and interesting movie. The movie starts with a girl panting down the street and when in the car she keeps on panting. The 10 minute non stop panting was really annoying, and made me just mad, but this could be the director's idea. This one private detective, Mike Hammer, superman, gives one girl a ride, and she ends up dead with a message. Hammer is trying find out what it means and why they killed her. In his journey, he loses his best friend, Va Va Voom. Since this was a B movie, the acting, characters, and sound affects were okay. Like when Hammer puched this one guy, it sounded too real. The overall tone of the movie was suspensful and kept me interested throughout the movie. My favorite part of the movie was Hammer's friend who talks funny, Va Va Voom!!! and also the part when GAbrielle opens the nuclear box and she sets herself on fire. I think the director made a good decision of picking the right ending, because I wanted Hammer and his innocent secretary to live a happy ending.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Out of the past

Out of the past is a film noir about a private detective, Jeff, who was sent by this gangster, Whit, to find his girl Kathy. But Jeff betrays Whit and stays with her. ut Whit gets her later, and through out this movie, Jeff is trying to forget his past and live a happy life. This is the only film noir I have seen of that era. First I thought it wasn't going to be so good, but actually it was not bad at all. I liked characters of Jeff and Kathy. Jeff was an invincible guy who can knock out a guy with his left hand, and Kathy is beautiful and hot chick who does anything to get waht she wants, even kil many times. They were many low key lighting to show the mood of the movie. I wasn't sure in the end if Kathy really loved Jeff, or was just trying to get away. I also liked the ending twist of the film how both Jeff and Kathy died, but the other chick could live a happy life.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind
Overall I liked the movie. The plot was good, and i liked the idea of the memory erasing. Although I got confused some times, eg. when they were on the beach house, and he said he left, and the building was crashing down?? If such thing existed in real life, i think it would be really interesting.
Friday, November 2, 2007
His Girl Friday

I thought His Girl Friday had its ups and downs. Firstly, I was impressed by the speed of their conversations. It made me want to concentrate more because if one misses a little part, one might miss a big part of the story. But talking too fast made me lose what was going on, and I missed many parts when I just couldn’t understand or keep up with the characters. I think, all the characters especially, Bruce did a great of acting. I liked how Bruce acted as the nice and sometimes slow guy, with Hyldi being the smart, commanding, and the “man” of the relationship. Maybe back than, it was funny, but this movies wasn’t funny at all. The only funny part in the movie was the stupid guy in the end who always talks about his wife, and when Hyldi banged into the short guy in the press room. I was surprised as back than, the power a woman had. She had a great job, may men following her, and she could just pick one guy in the end, which usually a man does. In the end, i am surprised the movie is called a "classic" because it failed to gain my interest and the plot was not well done.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Classic vs. Revisionist

All the western movies can be divided into two different catagories: Classic and Revisionist. Most of the older movies are classic; for example Stage Coach, and most of the recent ones are Revisionist; for example Unforgiven, and 310 to Yuma. The revisinist westerns are more violent, crueler, darker,and deeper. Personally I like the Revisionist movies for these reasons. I think classic movies are too slow, too easy to predict the outcome, the technologies are not up to date, and I am not a fan of Black and White films. Stage Coach was pretty decent for a classis movie, my favorite part was the coach shootout against the Indians. But Unforgiven was far better, I liked how in the beginning Will was a pig farmer, and went back to shooting, which he was good at. I also like the character of Munny, who thinks he is the most powerful man on earth. If it weren't for the revisionist movies, western wouldn't be as famous as it is now.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Acting in Babel

In the movie, Babel, among all the other important and defining characteristics, I thought acting was done very well by all of the characters. Among all characters, I thought Brad Pitt, and Rinko Kikuchi. Brad Pitt, like always, did a great job acting and anything else that an actor is suppose to do. Brad was born on December 18, 1963 in Shawnee, Oklahoma. Brad was involved in many school activities during his teens. His first ever starring role was in 1988 in a film called The dark side of the sun, shot in Yugoslavia. One of my favorite movies of all time, Seven Years in Tibet, is starred by Brad Pitt. He does a great job acting and due to the themes of Tibetan nationalism in the film, the Chinese government banned Brad Pitt from China for life. After seeing this movie, Brad Pitt has been my favorite actor, for the role which demanded a great deal of trekking and mountain climbing and risk of opposing China to support my small nation Tibet.
Back to Babel, I think Brad Pitt was chosen for this movie for many reasons, such as him having a lot of experiences doing movies in many different countries in many different circumstances. Some other reasons are that of course he is extremely famous, great actor, and great influence. I think the most important character he has that gave him the job is because when has grown beard, and has ragged clothes, I think he can fit in any part of any country and fit in perfectly.
I think Brad is very versatile due to all the reasons he was given the job. On the set one can see how one the greatest Hollywood actor is willing to go to some third world country and deal with people over there, and doesn’t judge. Off the set, as everyone knows that Brad Pitt, and Jolie goes around the world saving children, raising many poverty issues to the world, and being a great influence.
I also think that Rinko Kikuchi did a phenomenal job acting, especially acting as a deaf girl. Rinko was born in January 6, 1981 in Kanagawas Prefecture, Japan. She has worked in film, television and theater, as well as 25 TV commercials and music videos. Her first acclaimed movie was called Sora no ana which was featured across many international film festivals. But she is most known for her terrific acting in Babel, where she played a mute girl who doesn’t want to be judged by her muteness, but her physical beauty and how she is inside. For this movie, she won many awards, but most famous of all was her Academy Award nomination for best supporting actress which made her first Japanese actress nominated in 49 years, and second actor in history of Academy for nomination without saying a single world. She will star in an upcoming film called The Brothers Bloom.
I think she was chosen in this film because of her great acting. Addition to that, she really does look like a deaf girl, and she has eyes of great concern and confident that I have never seen before. She is versatile because she had to do some pretty stunning things, like showing off her “hair.” On and off set, one can tell that she will do almost anything to get famous and get what she wants, and off set she looks like a really nice and cute girl.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Stagecoach Blog post

One of the most important scene is when Doc Boone says, "well, they are saved from the blessings of the civilization." In this quote, I think Doc is trying to say that since Dallas, and Ringo are moving to their ranch, they won't have to deal with all the social discrimination. Due to the fact that Dallas is a prostitute, and Ringo an outlaw. For example, if you were a slave in the States during 1800s, you would rather chose to live in a hut in middle of the forest back in Africa.
Doc is also tring to say that civilization isn't always the best place to live at, because of all the people discrimination the different and lower people. One important theme is civilization vs wilderness, and in the end, wilderness won. This movie execed by expectations.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Citizen Kane Mise-en-scene

In the movie Citizen kane, which is one of the most well done movie of its time, in every aspect, is especially well done in make ups. All the characters, espeically Kane, have been transformed from young adults to old people. High key is also used to show the mansion. I think if I was watching this movie aruond the time it was made, I would be astonished.
Monday, October 1, 2007
Finding Nemo

Review of Finding Nemo
You all have probably seen Finding Nemo, which is one of best movie ever made. This is a funny, very interesting, and a happy ending movie. This movie is directed by Andrew Stanton and Lee Unkrich, and Andrew Stanton, Bob Peterson, and David Reynolds wrote the screenplay. As you all know, the story starts with Nemo (played by Alexander Gould) disobeys his father Marlin (played by Albert Brooks) by swimming into the open sea and gets caught by diver. Marlin chases the diver but gets behind and asking for directions, meets Dory (played by Ellen Degeneres). From here they face many hurtles and adventure to finding Nemo.
Finding Nemo is original and very unpredictable. This animated movie did a really good job on making it look real with the textures, light, and movements. The water being blue brought all other colors live and attractive. The plot of the movie is well-structured. If fishes could talk, I think this is how they would talk. Some of the most important themes are family, love, and sacrifice. Since Marlin promised to take care of his only son, he sacrificed everything he had to look for his son, family, because he loves his on so much.
The cinematography and the photography in this movie were incredible, and these are some reasons for the movie’s success. For example; they used the extreme long shot to show the whale weak comparing to the vast ocean. There were high-keys when Dory and Marlin were looking at the trench.
The sound effects really added to the flavor. Not only the songs were good, the music went perfectly along with the scene.
In the end, this is a funny as well as an adventurous movie that makes you fell in love with fishes and buy some as pets. This original movie takes you to another world, and makes you want to watch it many times.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Hottest female actor ever..

Monday, September 17, 2007

The review of Blood Diamond by Michael Wilmington is one of the reviews that reflects my opinion on this movie. The critic gave this movie 3.5 out of 4, about the same I would have done. The review first gives the story of the movie in a nutshell.
"Diamond" takes place in civil war-torn Sierra Leone in the 1990s, its story centered on a fisherman (Hounsou as Solomon Vandy) whose life is uprooted and wife and children taken from him when his village is invaded by the murderous rebel forces of boisterous killer Captain Poison (David Harewood). He is captured by Poison's troops, among them some ice-cold boy warrior-killers whose ranks eventually include Solomon's son Dia (Kagiso Kuypers). Solomon, turned into a slave trolling for gems in the river, finds a rare and priceless huge pink diamond and buries it nearby, but not before being spotted by the amiably vicious Poison.Most of the rest of the film consists of a furious quest to locate that diamond, with Solomon aided by ex-Zimbabwean soldier of fortune and jewel trader Danny Archer (DiCaprio), who's doing it for money, and American journalist Maddy Bowen (Connelly), who's doing it out of idealism and the desire to break a great scandal-scoop exposing big diamond companies.
The movie was never dull. I was eating my dinner during the movie, and when the movie was over, i still had bunch of food left. Mike and I agree that DiCaprio does a great job throughout the movie as he did in Departed. The movie was entertaining, breathtaking, and a thriller. I agre with Mike in the quotation below of how the movie turned from good to great with the perfect actors. In the beginnig the critic says:
"Blood Diamond" is a visually sumptuous, bullet-train-paced thriller with a really provocative theme. Director Edward Zwick and company give it just the kind of explosive elements it needs to hook an audience: a sympathetic protagonist (Djimon Hounsou); a wisecracking hero (Leonardo DiCaprio); a tough, stunning heroine (Jennifer Connelly); fantastically menacing villains (David Harewood, Arnold Vosloo and others); scintillating locations; and action sequences of blood-rushing ferocity.
But the movie also gives you an idea of how that diamond ring that you have comes
to you and what it takes to get it ot you. I agree with Mike that this moive will make you think once more before buying a diamond. As Michael says:But they give it something else as well: a convincing portrayal of
the negative and dangerous aspects of the world diamond trade, in this case the
illicit dealing in "conflict diamonds" or "blood diamonds" -- jewels smuggled
out of war-torn nations with profits that further the bloodshed.Even though I have seen this movie already, if I hadn't seen it, after this review, I would have been pursuated enough to rent it right away. After all my informations, I hope you will definitely see this movie, as it is one of the best movies of the year.